Hermana Whittle wearing a jersey that her companion's Mom sent from Guatemala. :) |
A member from their ward went to Guatemala and brought back a package for Hermana Marroquin from her Mom filled with goodies! :) |
Hi everyone!
I hope you all enjoyed conference this past weekend and that you were able to learn a lot and have your questions answered! I didn't get a ton out of it because I watched all the sessions in Spanish and the speakers weren`t very good so I didn't understand a lot(even my companion was having a hard time understanding and she's latina) but I was still able to learn and recieve answers to my questions, even if it wasn't in ways I expected. And, one of the young women in our ward brought her friend to conference with her. She presented him to us a week or so ago but we haven't been able to have a lesson with him yet...but he is AWESOME! He is so receptive and we are super excited to teach him...I know he is going to get baptized! The Lord is blessing us!
I have been having a rough time with having patience this past week. It is hard to be patient when appointments fall and you don't meet your goals and you feel like no one is progressing. But on Thursday I talked to Hna. Marroquin about it and that helped a lot. And we had interviews with our mission president and that helped too. And since then, I have been doing well with being patient despite my circumstances. I know that the Lord is helping me out a lot!
We have an investigator that we have been working with a lot lately, and I feel like she has a lot of potential. She's only 19 and she has two kids and lives with her boyfriend(like everyone else here...no one is married). But she has been having a lot of problems with him and with finances lately. We are trying to do all we can to help her. We taught her about the Plan of Salvation this week. When she was younger, her brother was killed and she was asking us if we thought he would be saved. We testified to her that he would have the chance to hear the gospel, and that she could live with him and with her kids again someday thanks to this gospel. I know she felt the spirit, because I did! I don't think that she is going to get baptized anytime soon, but I know that she will in her own due time and I hope I will be here to help her do that!
I hope you all have a great week and look for the ways that the Lord is blessing you in your lives :) I loved what President Uchtdorf said about being grateful...we shouldn't just be grateful FOR things, but learn to be grateful no matter what our circumstances are, and having faith that the Lord will always help us :) Adios!
Hna. Whittle
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