Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The weeks are starting to fly....

Hey everyone! I really can`t believe it is already P day again...this week went SO FAST. But it was good!

On Tuesday I had my first interview with President Dester. We have interviews with our mission president every 3 months. Anyways, it was good! He told me a lot of good stuff. But he did tell me that I wasn't going to get along with all of my companions as well as I do with Hermana Bahr....GREAT. Thanks alot President. But my companion told me that in her interview, he told her that I am one of the happiest missionaries that he has seen this week and to keep up whatever she was doing. And its true! I have a great companion and great area...for the most part I really am happy!

We also had a really awesome experience this week. We were teaching one of our investigators named Gaby. She is about 20 and she has a 5 year old son. She has had a hard life. But anyways, we were teaching a lesson and it wasn't going so well. Her phone kept going off and people kept interrupting the lesson. Both Hna. Bahr and I could feel that it wasn't going so well. But then she got the prompting to ask if there was a room we could go in to say the closing prayer. So we went into her bedroom and asked her to say the prayer and specifically ask about the church and if the things we were teaching were true. So she started the prayer and when she asked about the church the spirit rushed into the room. When she finished she said she felt weird and she started crying. It was seriously awesome. 

Also, every missionary has those funny language experiences where they accidently switch two words....yeah, I had my first one this week. We were teaching about the gospel of Jesus Christ and I meant to say: El Evangelio de Jesucristo tiene 5 pasos(The gospel of Jesus Christ has 5 steps) but instead I said: El Evangelio de Jesucristo tiene 5 pasas(The gospel of Jesus Christ has 5 raisins). Yeah, that was fun! My companion said all she could think about was Jesus holding 5 raisins. 

Anyways, I hope you all are doing great! The mission is dang hard, but it is so great at the same time! My testimony is strengthened every single day...I know without a doubt that this church is true!! I just wish every person would realize how important it is!!

Have a great week!

Hna. Whittle
Hermana Whittle said there is trash everywhere!

Hermana Whittle and her new backpack! Her missionary bag was hurting her back and shoulders! 

Hermana Whittle and her district hiked to a waterfall for P-day.  Honduras is so beautiful and green! 

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