instead and holy cow, we basically had a feast. We had a ton of food only for the two of us. It was great and it was almost like being in the states :) But yeah, we got a LOT of food. And also, here Christmas is considered to be on the 24th because everyone celebrates the night before Christmas. People were setting off fireworks all day( just like in the streets) and at midnight, everyone and their dog was setting off fireworks and they didn't stop for an hour or so. Hermana Bahr and I felt like we were in WWll. And then Christmas morning, we opened packages, made tortillas and watched a movie, and then we got to talk with our families which was great!! We just spent both days helping people getting ready for Christmas.
We also took a couple days this week to get to know the members in our ward and talk about missionary work. Seriously, without the members we have nothing here...members are key! In Stake Conference a couple weeks ago, someone said that missionary work is the job of the members; we are only here to help. But yesterday the bishop gave a lesson about missionary work and so I really hope that we can get the members more involved and find the people here in Fesitranh that are ready for the gospel :)
As for investigators...we have like no one that is actually progressing except for Marcario. He has definitely been prepared by the Lord! He has so much faith and wants to do all he can to do to follow the Savior. We talked with him about the priesthood and how he will eventually be able to receive it, and he told us he was going to work to be ready. He is so awesome! I really hope that he comes to church again this Sunday so that we can still have his baptism next week :)
Hermana Bahr and Hermana Whittle at the end of a wonderful day in Honduras! |
Anyways, I hope you all have a fantastic new year! I can't believe it is almost 2014...I
will be spending the entire year in Honduras!
Love you guys!
Hna. Whittle
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