Merry Christmas everyone!! Honestly, I am super excited to spend Christmas here...I love the area and I love my companion, so I think I'll be okay :) The only thing that stinks is that on the 24th and 25th we have to be in our apartment at 6 for safety...I have no idea what we are going to do, but we'll find out! Apparently here in Honduras, the real celebration of Christmas is the night of Christmas Eve. And everyone here makes tamales and torrejas for Christmas...I have a feeling I will be eating a lot of those in the next couple days.
Well to be honest, this past week was not so great as far as the week! Seriously, we had multiple days where ALL of our appointments fell through (including dinner). And one of those days it was raining all day and our umbrellas are broken so we were wet and cold...but we still managed to be happy. Thats the great thing about being a missionary :)
And as for investigators...One of our investigators that was doing great told us that she didn't want the lessons anymore, so that was a bummer. But we have others that are doing awesome! For example, on Monday, both of our appointments fell through and we weren't feeling very happy. And then when we were walking home, someone called out to us and asked if we were mormons. Apparently, she had had the lessons with missionaries before, but she was living with her boyfriend and they didn't want to get married. And now they are separated and seriously, she is so ready. We went to go teach her and her aunt about the Restoration and seriously, she helped us teach the lesson. The Lord is always preparing people and it is amazing!!
Anyways, I hope you all have a great Christmas!!
Feliz Navidad, prospero año y felizidad :)
Hna. Whittle
Hermana Whittle, her companion Hermana Bahr, the elders in her district and the daughters of a member all stuffed in the back of his car.
Hermana Whittle and Hermana Bahr with their bishop's wife. Their ward was having a "Night in Bethlehem" party. |