Hermana Whittle with the son of one of their investigators and the stuffed animal they gave him for his birthday. |
Hermana Whittle and her companion went to help a less active member who just had a baby. How sweet is that? |
Hermana Whittle, Hermana Rodriguez, their DL and his new companion. |
Hey everyone!!!
So for starters, it has been SO hot here lately. There was one night where I couldn't even sleep because it was so hot...oh Honduras...
I hope you all enjoyed conference as much as I did! I LOVED that they had people speak in their native languages...it was awesome to hear the speaker themself speak spanish and not the translator :) I hope they keep doing that!
I feel like I learned so much this conference and that the speakers were super inspired. I love how we can go to conference with a few questions and always find the answers...that is what I was able to do and I was able to receive the answers I needed :) I hope you all felt the same!
Its super weird having more than a year in the mission...on Thursday when I completed a year my district surprised me and sang to me and my DL made us lunch. It was fun :)
I also feel like the Lord has been helping us out a lot lately. This week we were able to receive a lot of references and find some less actives that we didn't know about. I am excited to see how things go with them!
I am super excited for this week because one of our investigators that we have been working with is going to get married and baptized and two more are going to get baptized as well. Please pray that everything goes well for them!
I love you all! Have a great week :)
Hna. Whittle
Hermana Whittle, Hermana Rodriguez, two other sister missionaries and a member. |