Hermana Whittle and her previous companion, Hermana Marroquin, with a member family in Puerto Cortes. |
Hi everyone! Wow...I can't believe another week has already passed.
This week has been good! I am finally getting used to Hna. Cardona...she is awesome and we get along really well :) But this week has been exhausting! We had two days in a row where we walked A TON and it has been soooo hot...I have been exhausted. We had to stay in again on Friday for a game Honduras had and although I was bummed because we had to cancel our appointments, I didn't complain...I needed a nap haha.
Our bishop this week decided to put a goal of 20 baptisms in the month of July between us and the two pairs of elders in our ward...WOW. We have a ton of work to do...but I know its possible with the Lord's help!
I have been a little frustrated lately because of the members. Yesterday we met a lot of less active familys who are SO AWESOME, but have stopped going to church because of problems with members. I don't understand why people have to say things and act like they are better than others...we are a family!! We should be helping each other out like Alma teaches in Mosiah 18. I'm just frustrated and I don't know what I can do to help the less actives return to church and help the members to have love....
Thats about all. We found a huge scorpion in our house the other day...that was fun. I will say that that is one thing I miss about the states...houses without cockroaches and ants and spiders. But I love Honduras and I am so happy to be here :)
Love you all! I hope you have an awesome week!
Hermana Whittle
Hermana Marroquin, Hermana Whittle and Elder Paredes |